Sunday 21 April 2013

Argania Spinosa Supreme Cream Conditioner Review

Have i found my go to conditioner? Considering i am a semi product junkie, maybe.
I was browsing in a savers recently and found this

Argania Spinosa Supreme Cream Conditioner

I read the ingredients and thought, why not? The use of the word "supreme cream" made me think, this looks thick and would be suitable for my natural hair. I like thick conditioners, the thicker, the better.
I washed as normally and used it as instructed. Wow, my hair felt so soft, smooth and moisturised. Ive used it each wash since then, and its replaced my curls conditioner i was using. I have natural Afro hair and i got my friend who has a short relaxed cut to buy the shampoo, conditioner and oil. ( I will get her judgement once she returns from her holiday). If you are on a no silicone routine this is great as it contains none. I would recommend this a thousand times for anyone that has kinky, curly natural hair. Its a wonderful conditioner and yes, i went back to savers ( which is where i found it) and bought 4.

I actually used it this morning. I'm just like this
I googled when i got home and it appears that a salon in Romsey, Hampshire have developed this product. My afro and i salute you

I bought mine at savers, but you can buy it online and through their website.